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Discover the Desert of Oman

Desert trip to Ubar / Empty Quarter (duration 7-8 hrs, time - morning) / distance 450 km

Dhofar is an area rich in history. In 1992, an American satellite discovered the remains of a city submerged beneath the sands of the Omani section of the Rub al Khali (the Empty Quarter). Initial speculation indicated that this was the legendary city, Iram, distinguished by its imposing columns and high walls, which is mentioned in the Quran. The site has been subject to much exploration and study by archaeologists who have dated pottery and glass vessels excavated from the area at around 100BC. It has also been ascertained that the city sank under the sands due to what has been deemed a light earthquake. This could be the clamour which is referred to in the Quran: - a great clamour was heard in the sky and Shaddad and all who accompanied him were struck down - and the city sank below the ground. Its been found by American satellite in 1992.

Our first visit is Wadi Dauka the frankincense field in the desert which these area have been protected by UNESCO, after we proceed to a Bedouin village here we have a toilet stop and continue till Ubar, On arrival you will be able to see the ruins of ubar, beside is a small museum which gives you an ideas about the caravan route of camel to Egypt. Our last visit is the Empty Quarter (mother of life sand dunes) our experience drivers will take you a short tour in the sand dunes where you can enjoy the beautiful color of sand (golden color).

If you wish you have a possibility of staying overnight in the middle of Empty Quarter in Bedouin style and visit different part of the desert and  a place where you can be able to see different type of stars during night time (extra charge).

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